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January 26 2025: Examining the 3rd Yama, Asteya, Non Stealing

Yogic Thief

Continuing our review of the 8 Limbs as outlined in Patanjali’s yoga sutras, we reach the third Yama (first limb) Asteya or non-stealing.  Remember the Yamas are moral code guidelines. This concept seems relatively simple, don’t steal things (like penny candy from the store back when there was such a thing). 🍬🤣Of course we don’t steal, can you imagine? However, like all things yogic, it is not so definitive. More subtle examples could be not returning the duplicate Amazon order, not telling the waiter that one of the drinks is missing from our tab or not returning our friend's cool sweater that we borrowed.

Even more subtle is the coveting of things that others have, stealing their joy at something they have when we feel envious or jealous; we may do this completely unintentionally. Finally, we may steal from our friends and family when we do not give them the attention or support, they need, maybe finding ourselves “too busy” to be there or to listen.


To expand, we can focus on three versions of Asteya:

  • Asteya of Actions– this is the most obvious where one person takes someone else’s possessions.

  • Asteya of Thoughts – think of this as pushing away thoughts of greed or jealousy. It could also mean stealing others ideas or intellectual property,

  • Asteya of Words – Using words or misleading to steal goodwill or joy from others.


Coveting (figuratively stealing) things that are not ours can make us feel depressed, jealous, and negative.  Let’s take some time this week to think how we may begin practicing Asteya in our own lives and find small adjustments we can make to further that effort.  Perhaps take a few moments to acknowledge your gratitude for one thing in your life (as we do each time we meet for class), give your friend an extra 5 minutes of attentive listening, donate a bag of clothes that you can do without; this will serve us well on our journey to Asteya.


Practicing Asteya off the mat can also mean decluttering, letting go of possessions and avoiding acquisitive behavior. Perhaps cleaning your closets and donating your excess, not refilling with more “stuff” is a way to incorporate Asteya into your off the mat practice!


I like this article from Ekhart Yoga which furthers the discussion on Asteya.


On a funny note, check out this video of a burglar doing yoga before he robs a bakery

 Our Practice - Marichyasana A

Marichyasana A (also known as Marichi’s pose or Sage Twist) is an asymmetrical seated forward bend and is the first of four poses in ashtanga dedicated to the Sage Marichi. The name comes from his name which in Sanskrit means “ray of light.” The pose is a forward fold combined with a gentle twist, and as with many forward folds, we can consider that it focuses our mind inwards, a lovely concept for practicing Asteya. This focusing inwards could symbolize the avoidance of media and other influences which encourage us to acquire more, gossip more, take things we do not need. It can represent our own “ray of light” sustaining us and making us whole from within.

This is a challenging pose - remember it is the exploring the pose not "achieving" it that is important on our yoga journey. I took this picture of myself doing it and remind myself of this as well (full disclosure, i cannot clasp my hands behind my back on the left side, so I only took the picture on the right). 🙂

Coming into the pose - I recommend trying the pose at the end of a practice when you are fully warmed up.

  • Start in Dandasana – legs outstretched, feet flexed, back straight (maybe put the edge of a blanket or flat pillow under your hips in back to tip the pelvis a little bit)

  • Bend your right leg and place your foot on mat aligning the outer edge of the right foot with the outer edge of your right hip joint with right knee to ceiling. Adjust this to feel right in your body. If possible, try to keep the right foot parallel with the left leg.

  • Left hand goes to the floor and lean into it reaching forward with your right arm with right shoulder possibly going past the right knee. Wrap your right arm around your right shin.

  • Bring left arm behind you reaching left hand towards right hand.

If you would like to take it a bit further, you could exhale and tip the pelvis forward and lengthen your spine into a forward fold.

The benefits of the pose can include: strengthening the spine and back muscles, stretches and improves flexibility in the hamstrings, shoulders and back. Some practitioners believe the twisting helps improve digestion and energy levels.

Meditating on Asteya

“The desire to possess and enjoy what another has, drives a person to do evil deeds.  It includes not only taking what belongs to another without permission, but also using something, for a different purpose to that intended, or beyond the time permitted by its owner.” – BKS Iyengar, Light on Yoga

Gandhi has told us that “When we free ourselves of such desires, we can establish the virtue of Asteya within us” and also said that “mankind’s greed and craving for artificial needs are also stealing”. 


See you on the mat, missing you all


Julia Anne


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